How to prevent and cure diseases for goats when it comes to cold winter

- Prepare, reserve adequate food for goats, always ensure stability and best nourishment. Can prepare grass, corn …
- Provide clean water for goats. You should clean the water trough and change the water regularly so that the goats do not drink dirty water will cause germs of disease, especially algae … debris, mold for a long time due to unhygienic, easy to drink goats diarrhea. More severe than inflammatory bowel disease …
- In the cold rainy season with frost the grass and leaves should be harvested at the time when the sun has come, the dew has dissolved. After taking on so steep, to dry, to avoid dropped on the ground, wet place, piled … Doing this causes minimize on gastrointestinal diseases, bloating once haemorrhagic septicemia for goats.
- You can increase the amount of concentrate more because of the cold season goats need more energy to keep warm body temperature.
- Ensure goats fully breastfed, can give goat’s milk feeding extra mile by another mother goat milk surplus milk substitute or replace the outside.